Man jailed for stealing bag from dead person

SINGAPORE: A man stole the backpack of a 22-year-old man who had been found lying still at the base of the Housing Board block in the case of suicide.

He read through the boy’s notebooks, which included a death notice, after taking several electronic devices out of the bag. &nbsp,

The authorities lost data in their investigation into the man’s death because he threw away the handwritten note and returned the dead mans ‘ handphones to their manufacturer options.

For his crimes, 52-year-old Ng Hoe Ghee was given a sentence of four months and four weeks in prison on Wednesday ( Feb 7 ).

He admitted guilt to one fee of deceptive misuse of house and another charge, along with other charges.


The jury learned that Ng was close to a tower on August 12 of last year at around 1.20 p.m. when he noticed the man lying at the bottom of the block. The specific address was redacted from courtroom documents.

On his face and body, the gentleman had numerous wounds. &nbsp,

Ng covered the body with some plywood that he had picked up outside. Finally, after taking the lifeless man’s budget, which had fallen nearby,&nbsp.

Police officers responded to a contact about the death shortly after and showed up at the wall.

Ng handed the bag to the police after explaining what he had seen. When the paramedics arrived, they declared the man useless.

The person visited a family member at the wall, and studies revealed that he had jumped from there. He was seen carrying his personal belongings in a dark backpack.

In order to determine which ground the man had jumped from, Ng, who had been given permission by the authorities to leave the scene, went to the block’s 15th floor and climbed the stairs.

Ng noticed the dying man’s black backpack on a higher floor. Before concealing the mound outside his father’s apartment, he took it, placed it in a field, and stacked it on top of another box.

The following morning, Ng went back to the backpack and looked through its contents, discovering a computer, two handphones, notebook, and other items.

The deceased’s word, which stated that he was “feeling problems and was struggling with his idea and faith,” was discovered by the reader after rummaging through the textbooks.

Additionally, the deceased person claimed to have “felt that he was haunted by something or someone.”

Ng threw the word and other items out of the bag and only kept the electronics. He paid one S$ 70 to unlock the password-protected devices because he was unable to access them.

The man, who is not named in court records, unlocked both phones and performed a mill reset of them.

Ng started using one of the SIM cards he had found in both devices after discarding the other. The notebook was also secured by a password.

Everywhere Ng went, he carried the backpack containing the stolen goods.

The dying man’s case was not discovered despite numerous searches by the police at the block in the interim. They searched for Ng to assist them but were unsuccessful, so a policeman newspaper was published against him in an effort to track him down.

On September 7, while on foot guard in Jurong East, police officers approached Ng for a regular search when they learned that he had been the target of an arrest warrant.

Ng claimed he had borrowed the phone from a clerk, but the officers noticed it.

The stolen goods were found after he was forwarded to the investigating official in the case of the deceased.

The officers were unable to gather information from these products to aid in their investigations into the situation surrounding the death because the devices had been reset and the death note had already been thrown away.

Ng also acknowledged taking a girl’s cellphone that had fallen to the ground on another event.

Ng was sentenced to prison by the trial, with a sentence ranging from four decades two weeks to six months and four days.

According to Deputy Public Prosecutor Colin Ng, there are n’t many cases of dishonest misappropriation of a deceased person’s property that have been reported.

Between 2001 and November 2023, he claimed, there were only three like cases before the judges. According to the punishment statistics, the average and middle jail terms were 17.1 and 15.7 weeks, respectively.

Ng apologized for what he did and cited economic hardship as justification for his reduction. He claimed to have observed the dying man struggling and reminded himself that” this kind of factor” should not be made public or known.

He could have been fined and served up to three years in prison for unscrupulous theft of a deceased person.