Man jailed for sexually abusing 2 of his 4 stepdaughters, caught only when eldest girl stepped in

SINGAPORE: On Monday, February 5, a gentleman who had sexually assaulted two of his four granddaughters and begged his wife not to report it to the police was given the sentence of 12 years and 10 months in prison.

Due to the man’s advanced age and inability to get caned, six weeks is in place of punishment.

To safeguard the names of the patients, who are now 24 and 28, all parties may be identified. The youngest of the four sons, they are.

With three different charges taken into account, the man entered a guilty plea to three charges of sexual assault, sexual intercourse against nature’s course, and outrage at modesty.

The victim’s family was reportedly met by the man in 2005, according to the court. At the time, she now had four girls.

The perpetrator and the woman’s daughters moved in with him that same year, with the girls referring to him as their parents.

The victims ‘ family was imprisoned at the end of 2005 for an offense that was not listed in court records.

Her girls were entrusted to the defendant’s attention while she was away.


The second-youngest daughter, the second victim, was 10 years old at the time. While she was sleeping with her youngest sister at home, the perpetrator sexually assaulted her.

The child woke up on another occasion in 2005 as a result of her stepfather abusing her sexually.

He ignored her request to quit.

She had taken physical education classes in school, so she was aware that what her father had done was wrong.

She was terrified and afraid, and she was unsure of how to tell people what he had done to her.

Following this, the initial target started to distance herself from her father by staying out late and avoiding him whenever he approached.

The first victim was sharing a room with her mother in 2012, roughly one year before the perpetrator wed the victim’s mother.

She was startled and terrified when her dad sexually assaulted her.

After that, her father instructed her to keep what had happened a secret from her mother, and the girl complied.


But a few months afterward, in 2012, the family learned the truth.

When the defendant’s family awoke, she was dozing off in the same home as the first victim and the offender.

She observed her father lying in an accusatory position on top of her sleeping child.

” Papa!” yelled the defendant’s family.

The initial target began to sob as soon as she woke up.

While the lady was still sobbing in the bedroom, the victim’s family started arguing with her partner and went to the living room to argue.

The girl was then yelled at by the victim’s family to enter the living area. She enquired as to what she had been up to with her father.

The first victim claimed she did n’t do anything and was unaware of what was going on. Finally, her family enquired as to how frequently her father had experienced similar events.

The man jumped in and lied that this was the first and even time before the girl could answer.

The lady remained silent because she thought her mother would think her stepfather over her. &nbsp,

Then her mother advised her not to show anyone about the event.


The youngest daughter, who was 16 years old, caught the stepfather’s notice a few years later, in January 2016.

After being released from the hospital due to a high temperature, the girl went back home. She took some sleep-inducing medication and dozed off.

The child was startled awake by her stepfather’s sexual assault and noticed him standing next to her. She shut her eyes once more, believing she was dreaming.

But when she opened her eyes to see the person also standing in front of her, she felt him molesting her once more. Her father walked aside when he realized she was fully awake.

Regarding what her father had done, the next victim experienced confusion, bewilderment, anger, disgust, and fear. &nbsp,

She told her mother what had happened, and she confronted the criminal. He acknowledged touching his youngest daughter.

He begged his wife and the lady for compassion and asked them not to call the police. The child made the decision not to report it to the police at the time.

The offender had a fight with his wife at the beginning of 2022 and was admitted to the Institute of Mental Health ( IMH). &nbsp,

His family filed for divorce from him that same year.


The perpetrator went back to live with the women after being released from IMH. The primary target expressed her displeasure over this to her sisters and mother.

In May 2022, the second victim learned from her older sister that their mom had complained to the second-oldest girl, who felt that the former target was not treating the offender fairly by objecting to his return home.

The initial target was upset by this. She told her oldest girl that their father had previously touched her sexually, and their mother was aware of it.

The first victim and the second-oldest sister were then invited to a party contact by the oldest sister. The primary target revealed the intimate abuse she had experienced to her two older sisters.

The two oldest daughters confronted their family about the sexual abuse committed against the first target the following evening.

The youngest princess overheard the discussion and started sobbing violently. Eventually, she revealed to her sisters that she had also experienced sexual abuse from her father.

In the same month, the first victim reported her father to the officers, and they detained him. Since then, he has been remanded.

Wong Woon Kwong and Sivanathan Jheevanesh, the deputy public prosecution, requested 10 to 13 years in prison with an additional six weeks in place of the 11 wood breaths.

According to Mr. Jheevanesh, the more time should be given because the criminal was over 50 when they committed the crime.

He declared,” We say that he should be imprisoned in place of the punishment that has been avoided, as a result of suppressing the discovery of these offenses.”

According to Mr. Jheevanesh, the offender lied to his wife when he was caught in the third event, telling her that it was the first time, and had also instructed the second victim never to tell her mother about the maltreatment.

According to the attorney, this was a rest that prevented the monitoring of all the offenses that had already occurred. &nbsp,

Additionally, he begged his wife and the next victim not to call the police when the last rape was discovered.

Instead of a punishment sentence, Mrs. Marshall Lim and Mr. Lum Guo Rong from the Public Defender’s Office requested nine times and nine months in prison with no prison time.