Man jailed 16 years, caned for sexual assaults on 8 teen girls; impregnated 1

SINGAPORE: Over two centuries, a girl biologically assaulted eight women, aged 13 to 16, impregnating one of them. &nbsp,

He was sentenced to 14 cane-strike stroke on May 13 in the High Court after serving a 16-year sentence. &nbsp,

He entered a guilty plea to five counts of sexually infiltrating a small under the age of 16 and one count of legal assault. &nbsp,

His imprisonment was taken into account for the addition of 12 related costs. &nbsp,

Four subjects, all aged between 13 and 16 at the time of the plea deal, were victims of the five claims against the accused. &nbsp,

The Children and Young Peoples Act protects the personality of the accused because he was 17 when some of the crimes occurred.

He and two companions, A and B, committed the sexual crimes against the oldest target. We are no naming the two friends because it might lead to the accused’s recognition.

A was 33 years old at the time, while B was 18.

A frequently invited large numbers of people that to drink alcohol while living alone in a one-room apartment. The victim was one of these significant parties.

At Admiralty Park on Jun 12, 2021, the target and her companions had a drink. The victim had a first encounter with the accused that day, according to court records, but they did not specify how they ended up eating. &nbsp,

The accused asked a dozen friends, including A and B, to add later on. They drank some more, with A seen plying the sufferer with beer. &nbsp,

The target declined, despite a suggestion that the class keep drinking at his home. However, he took her home and forced more cocktails on her. More than 10 people were present at this point, and the prey was unable to sit up straight or walk right. &nbsp, &nbsp,

A while later, the defendant’s two companions left her at the product under the treatment of the accused. Despite knowing that he, A and B were possible to sexually abuses her, the accused accepted her affection. &nbsp,

In spite of the murderer’s refusal, the accused firmly pulled her into the room. Together with his two companions, the accused violated the girl, who was too poor to prevent them. She was aware that some people were involved, but she continued to drift in and out of consciousness. &nbsp,

When the defendant’s companions arrived at her house on Jun 13th, 2021, to say goodbye, the mistreatment ended. Because the sufferer had n’t returned her phone, they were concerned. &nbsp,

A, who answered the front entrance, first denied knowing the target. In her diminished position, her friends finally managed to save the victim. &nbsp, Outside the system, the victim disclosed that she had been raped. &nbsp,

Eventually, a group of the victim’s friends and brothers confronted A’s party. A bystander called the police for assistance as the clash got more aggressive. &nbsp,

Following the incident, the target suffered from Post- Tragic Stress Disorder. &nbsp,

Another victim, next 14, knew the accused as her best sister’s ex- partner. In February 2020, they first met. &nbsp,

On Feb 24, 2020, the accused asked the survivor to join him for the first time. He sexually advanced on her while they sat down next to each other on the stairs. &nbsp,

The lady declined when the accused asked for intercourse, but relented after he gave her a “look of sadness”, according to court documents. &nbsp,

The accused stayed at the accused’s friend’s house the day before having unprotected sex again. &nbsp,

The victim tried to word him several times before the two ended their relationship on February 25, 2020, but he never did. &nbsp,

When her mother discovered that her abdomen was becoming wider in June 2020, her intimate behavior became public. A police report was filed the following fortnight after the victim’s conception test came back positive. &nbsp,

The child delivered the child later.


The accused knew a fourth victim, the youngest at 13, through a mutual companion. The couple got into a marriage in Jan 24, 2020 but broke up on Feb 10, 2020. &nbsp,

The woman who delivered the accused’s youngster was a colleague of the target. &nbsp,

The accused approached this target and continued to harass him until she agreed. &nbsp,

The third victim, therefore 15, knew the accused through Instagram in 2019. &nbsp,

They started dating after frequent chats. On May 22, 2020, the two met and chatted at a stair getting. &nbsp,

The accused removed the girl’s garments as she began to touch her. The woman told herself to just let stuff happen, but she had no idea what to do. &nbsp, He had exposed intercourse with the child. &nbsp,

A few days after, the target met with the accused to talk about the sexual experience, but before they could talk, the accused removed her garments again. Yet though she refused his advancements, he sexually assaulted her. &nbsp,

The accused accused was finally slapbed because the girl was concerned she may become pregnant. He allegedly had custody of her and her baby. &nbsp,

The girl became aware that the accused was conversing with a different woman in May, and they ended their relationship. &nbsp,

This woman half purchased pregnancy test kits and had negative results. Eventually, her parents were informed of the affair and her instructor learned about it. &nbsp,

For six counts of sexual insertion of a small under 14 on February 10, 2020, the accused received a harsh notice. But he went on to commit more sexual crimes yet after he was called for police studies, arrested, and released on bail. &nbsp,

The prosecutors sought 12 to 14 years ‘ prisons and 14 stroke of the wood. &nbsp,

According to deputy public prosecutor Lim Ying Min, Shamini Joseph, and Tay Zhi Jie, the accused’s offences against fresh victims were “gross breaches” of their respect and “bodily integrity,” according to documents. &nbsp,

The accused also targeted his subjects ‘ friends through the use of the internet as a means of reaching out to innocent young patients. &nbsp,

According to the trial,” His track record demonstrates that he was a physical predator who had no reservations about using younger victims for his physical pleasure.” &nbsp,

For his sexual assault by infiltration crime, the accused could have been jailed up to 20 years, fined or caned.

For legal assault, he could have been jailed up to 20 times, fined or caned. &nbsp,

The crime of physical insertion of a minor under 16 carries a prison term of up to 10 times, a great, or both.