Man appealing against sentence for sex with 15-year-old, cites wife’s ‘wayang’ illness

SINGAPORE: A person who was sentenced to 10 months ‘ prison for having intercourse with a 15- year- older girl is appealing against the jail term.

The person defended his claim in a psychologist’s report that claimed his emotional roller coaster was brought on by his wife’s “wayang” disease, which had an impact on their sex life.

” Wayang” is a term that describes people being overly dramatic.

Due to a joke order issued by the court forbidding the recognition of the victim, testimony, and accused, the 41-year-old Singaporean may be named.

Four other relevant claims were taken into account as he entered a guilty plea in April to the cost of sexually assaulting a minor.

The man’s profile on an online dating site was discovered before mid-March 2022, according to a ruling made on Wednesday ( May 29 ).

He reached out to her via Telegram, offering her a regular salary, and asking if she was interested in a sugar daddy.

He even asked her for” hot and uncovering” images of herself, which she gave.

In 2022, the couple had sex half in March and April of that year. On the first occasion, the man paid her S$ 200 ( US$ 148 ). Although the girl claimed to be 18 when she was really 15 when she told him, he did not confirm her age.

The prosecutors requested a word as low as possible, while defense attorney Mr. Sinnadurai T. Maniam requested a sentence as low as possible.

He said the plea of guilt was his client’s “manifestation of his very intense remorse” and said his client had” all along ( been ) of the view that ( she ) was 18 years old”.

The attorney added that if his client is treated very cruelly, his family, especially his wife who has blood cancer, would” suffer huge trauma and hardship” from his treatment.


The army tendered a statement by a counselor, setting out the boy’s consideration of his life at the time of the crimes.

He said he experienced” an mental roller- ride” from first 2020 to December 2022 as a result of his sister’s “wayang” condition. &nbsp,

Despite seeing numerous doctors and conducting numerous body tests, the symptoms persisted without any specific treatments or treatments.

Because his wife was in pain and felt over, their sexual life “reduced to a bare minimum of after every one to two month”, and the criminal “resorted to using sex and foreplay” to get “release”.

He claimed that his “having sexual service” was a relief from his “negative thoughts and impotence” and gave him some pleasure and sense of control.

He added that because of a lack of staff at work, he sometimes did n’t mind staying in and watch his wife’s suffering. He also claimed that he sometimes preferred to work longer days and days with longer hours.

He gained about 10 kg from his comfort food, lost interest in his regular pursuits, and had lingering suicidal thoughts and feelings bad about his family.

Based on this, the counselor determined that the criminal had been dealing with significant depressive illness at the time of the crimes.

According to District Judge Sharmila Sripathy- Shanaz, the law treats young girls under the age of 16 as “lacking in sexual and emotional maturity to make decisions in their own best interests about their sexuality, and assumes a patriarchal role by intervening to stop their exposure to physical activity irrespective of their alleged consent.”

She found the therapist’s report “poorly reasoned”, with no appropriate explanation as to how the analysis was reached, and” so weak as to be valueless to the court in this case”.

The offender’s attorney is currently awaiting his appeal against the sentence.