Malaysia’s top bureaucrat says corruption is down in civil service as fewer convicted in graft cases

SINGAPORE: Responding to the perception that corruption is rampant in its ranks, the country’s best official said the subsequent decrease in Malaysian civil servants who have been found guilty of corruption shows there is dignity in their function environment.

The number of corruption-related beliefs among legal servants has been declining since the start of the COVID- 19 crisis, according to Mr. Mohd Zuki Ali, chief minister of the federal government.

He claimed that of the 1.48 million civic workers in 2020, 74 were found guilty of fraud. The amount dropped to 70 the following year, and fell to 21 in 2022, Mr Zuki said in a May 22 interview with Malay everyday, Utusan Malaysia.

He continued, noting that just 140 civil servants were prosecuted for power misuse or fraud in the year that the government took disciplinary actions against 8, 556 failing civil servants in 2022. &nbsp,

Mr Zuki, quoted by the Malay Mail, even noted that a total of 493 state officers were sacked in 2022 compared to 239 in 2021 and 165 in 2020, making a total of 897.

This demonstrates that people servants also foster a culture of integrity in order to ensure efficient and truthful governance in the public sector, according to Mr. Zuki.

He continued,” the government takes a critical view of this small group of civil servants involved in corruption cases, which can damage the public service’s reputation and will not tolerate wrongdoing involving integrity.”

Mr. Zuki cited the establishment of the Special Cabinet Committee on National Governance, which is led by prime minister Anwar Ibrahim and is run by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission ( MACC).

His remarks come as the number of political and public characters involved in the MACC anti-graft onslaught is growing. &nbsp,