Maid moonlighted by doing part-time cleaning on days off and stole S$23,650, gets jail

SINGAPORE: A domestic helper who had been working in Singapore since 2003 moonlighted illegally by doing part- time work on her days off and stole more than S$ 23, 000 ( US$ 17, 000 ) from one of her customers.

Elvira Cadila Orlanes Ordonez, a 46-year-old Filipina, was given a seven-month and one-week sentence on Tuesday ( Jun 18 ) for two theft counts and two counts of violating the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act.

Another two claims were taken into consideration.

Elvira, who was a domestic helper in Singapore since 2003, was alleged to have been hired by the judge. According to her work force, she was allowed&nbsp, to be employed as a girl for her principal company.

Nevertheless, she began moonlighting by looking for additional part-time cleanup job to take on during her time off after working for this company for about 20 years.

She charged S$ 20 an hour, working for an average of three to four hours per customer, performing responsibilities like vacuuming, mopping the floor and cleaning toilets.

After hearing from a previous client about Elvira’s service, one of her four consumers, who was a client at Cathay Apartments in Mount Sophia, decided to hire her.

Between April 2023 and April 2024, Elvira performed cleaning solutions for this customer, generating about S$ 2,700 in full.

She did this despite realizing that her job pass was only appropriate for her primary work as a domestic companion and not for any part-time work.

Elvira was reportedly experiencing financial difficulties at the time and needed an extra source of income.

She even owed payments to loan sharks.

THE S$ 23, 650 THEFT

Elvira also held a part-time position as a part-time solution for a Malaysian man who resided in the Nomu condo in Dhoby Ghaut from May 2023.

His partner, a Chinese national who had heard about her service from a friend, had already met him.

Elvira was hired to do the cleaning, mop the decks, and care for a pet dog.

However, when Elvira entered her company’s space to tidy it, she noticed stacks of money in various faiths in a box and decided to take them.

Over 18 events between May 2023 and April 2024, Elvira stole a full of S$ 23, 650 while cleaning the house.

The couple discovered the robbery as they prepared for a marriage on April 7 this year and looked for new notes to make a wedding present.

They learned that the new information were missing and that additional funds that had been stored somewhere had also vanished.

The man finally submitted an online authorities report.

Elvira had transferred some of the money to her bank records to pay off her mortgage fish payments.

Additionally, she gave the money to her Filipino home.

In April of this year, she was detained while meeting the victim’s partner for an S$ 800 reward at Plaza Singapura.

Studies into Elvira’s work force violations began after she was arrested.

The victim of theft alleged that Elvira abused the trust she had in her and that she had abused the labor go framework.

In full, she earned at least about S$ 3, 900 from her freelancing.


Elvira, who was remanded, asked for mercy via an translator. She claimed to have spent nearly 22 years working quarter of her life for one company.

She pleaded with the judge for a less harsh statement, claiming that her relatives needs her and that she was very sorry. &nbsp,

” My mother is sick. She needs me. I’ve been here for many decades working in Singapore, I’ve been away from my family”.

She requested that she be taken away from her family.

For fraud in housing, she could have been jailed for up to seven times and fined.

For working portion- period without a true work go, she could have been jailed for up to two years, fined up to S$ 20, 000, or both.