Lung cancer in non-smokers is on the rise: What to know about second-hand and even third-hand smoke

What’s also worrying is that lung cancer is often symptom-less ( no coughing or any of the abovementioned signs ) in the early stages, making it difficult to detect. According to the most recent Singapore Cancer Registry Annual Report, 60 % of the 8, 955 men and women diagnosed with heart cancer between 2017 and 2021 were found to be Part 4 cancer.

By then, the tumor may have spread to different parts and manifest as tooth pain or affection, drooping eye, facial paralysis, make pain and difficulty swallowing.

Here’s more information on why lung cancer can arise in non-smokers and what you can do to be alert if you’re stifling a cough while reading this.


Ultimately, your DNA goes into overdrive and pours out a lot more lungs cells than needed pretty fast. This outcomes in a large called a cancer, which can attack and destroy healthy heart cells, according to Mayo Clinic.

Inhaling smoke smoke exposes your airways to some cancer-causing ingredients, noted the website. At first, your body is able to repair the damage. However, more healthy cells get damaged with each additional exposure, changing them and gradually developing cancer.

There are typically two different types of lung cancer: little cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer.

The second group typically simply includes long-term smokers, but the other party includes lung cancer of all kinds, including squamous cell carcinoma, carcinoma, and large cell carcinoma.


A family history undoubtedly plays a part, especially if you have a first-degree equivalent such as a parent, sibling or child who has heart cancer, said Dr Toh.

In a two-year research involving 328 non-smoking people conducted by the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health and the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, it was found that exposure to the fumes of cooking oil was a significant risk factor as well.

More than five times per week, it was discovered that those who cooked at home had higher levels of potential cancer-causing agents in their urine than those who did n’t.