I’ll admit it: I’m not very good at things like persistence and skill, though I’m not trying to try, trying, trying, failing, and trying again.  ,
But I’m pretty good at being successful when I’m in the corridor.
Leaving aside this statement, I’ve properly used my productivity for the majority of my life to conceal my total lack of consistency and discipline. ( A strengths-based approach, if you will. ) Now, what’s all the hatred, no?  ,
The problem is that typical production guidance typically revolves around creating a routine, which necessitates consistency and control. Or it reverts to conventional methods to combat a lack of willpower.
However, I need more than your typical Pomodoro-wielding, time-blocking strategies that optimisation experts claim may make you live more content if you practice them diligently.
I tend to work best in surges of bipolar performance, and I frequently just want a quick and dirty way to get out of a psychological fall.  ,
Below are seven innovative, tried-and-true strategies to overcoming gravity if that sounds familiar to you. at least for the duration.
1. Use figure doubling
Body tripling is an astonishingly easy act when trying to concentrate or launch a task. any undertaking.
I’d used system doubling my entire life without realizing it until the crisis made it painfully obvious when I worked from home. Yet if we didn’t talk, whenever I had a friend video phone in the background all evening, my productivity increased sharply.  ,
Your brain single shouldn’t need to be acting in the same way or act like you know. They simply must be present, either physically or in people.  ,
Which probably accounts for why I use Focusmate, a virtual collaborative platform that matches customers looking for a body dual for 25 or 50 minutes of work, to complete tasks at least three times as well.
My brain twice in the past, even YouTube video of people studying. Just watch out for the potentially disruptive advertising cuts.
Productivity report: 9/10 ,