Lead gynaecologist at Mount Elizabeth Hospital jailed for drink driving, injuring 4 in collision

Four people were hurt in a collision between two different vehicles when a former gynecologist headlining his office at Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore drank and drove, mistook a red bow for a natural one, and collided with two more.

Dr Wong Hon Kwong Kenneth, a 55-year-old Singaporean, was jailed for four weeks on Friday ( Aug 30 ) and banned from driving for three years.

He admitted to one count of consume driving and driving without due care and consideration, which led to a collision with a car and a car that were traveling the other way.

Dr Wong’s doctors, led by Mr Shashi Nathan from Withers KhattarWong, said he had an “obscurity” in his perspective and that his head was preoccupied with a difficult process he had performed on a girl earlier that morning.


The prosecutor was informed that Dr. Wong drank beer after having dinner with some companions on December 9, 2023.

He had at least 54 microgrammes of beer per 100ml of breathing when he drove along Upper Bukit Timah Road and Woodlands Road on December 10, 2023, on at 1.10 a.m.

This exceeds the legal limit of 35 microgrammes.

At the intersection of Upper Bukit Timah Road and Old Jurong Road, he finally made a right turn on a dark bow, believing he had seen a green arrow and a green customers lighting.

As they proceeded directly on a green light, Dr. Wong collided with the vehicle and vehicle.

The incident injured the 40-year-old auto pilot, the 73-year-old car driver and two adult people aged 38 and 63.

The cars were damaged on effect, with&nbsp, bumpers&nbsp, wrinkled and ripped off, windshields scratched and lamps cracked.

The four subjects were discharged later that day after receiving minor injuries, including chest pain and chest scars.

Dr. Wong, according to the attorney, had a history of compounded traffic offenses, which meant he had to pay out-of-court charges for them. He claimed he had no prior convictions.

Three counts of driving, three of failing to adhere to a red lighting, one count of insensitive driving, and one of using his phone while driving are included.

The attorney sought four to six weeks ‘ prison for Dr Wong, along with a three- to four-year driving restrictions.


Instead, defense attorneys Mr. Nathan, Ms. Tan Jia Yi, and Mr. U Sudharshanraj Naidu requested not more than two to three weeks ‘ jail, a fine, and three years ‘ disqualification from driving.

Dr. Wong is already working as an obstetrician and gynecologist at Mount Elizabeth Hospital, according to Mr. Nathan.

He is the director of the obstetrics and gynecology office and has over 15 times of industry experience, according to Mr. Nathan, who has effectively delivered more than 1, 000 infants to date.

He claimed that Dr. Wong has physical problems in his right eye, which has led to a blind spot as a result of ocular damage.

He had incident light operation in October 2022 and glass alternative operation in March 2023 as a result, according to the attorney.

However, his specialists apparently told him it was safe to continue driving. &nbsp,

Dr. Wong continued to discover halos in his right eye after having his camera replaced, particularly when he looked at the spotlight at night.

According to Mr. Nathan, it was this that led him to believe he saw a green arrow rather than a dark one.

According to Deputy Public Prosecutor Eunice Chew, Dr. Wong had received an apology for his eye state but chose not to pursue further analysis. &nbsp,

The fact that he had the blind position and continued to drive a month prior to the crash supports the lawyer’s claim of driving without due care and consideration.

Mr. Nathan claimed that Dr. Wong’s alleged darkness was an argument to the judge as to why he had made the right move rather than an excuse.

” He’s no driving dangerously or quick, he slowed down to make the change, it was an error of judgment”, said the attorney.

He added that for some of Dr Wong’s earlier customers transgressions, he ran red lamps as he was in a rush to get to hospital to deal with situations, and used his phone even to deal with an incident.

Dr. Wong acknowledges that there is no reason and that he must adhere to customers rules, even in times of need, as Mr. Nathan once again stated.

Mr. Nathan claimed that this was Dr. Wong’s second drink-driving offense and that he regularly “religiously asks for a servant whenever he drinks,” but he did so in vain.


On the day of the accident, Dr. Wong delivered a baby for a patient who had a complicated uterine break.

As she seemed to be in a steady state, he left for a sister’s birthday party where he drank five to six cups of pleasure, stopping at about 7.30pm, said the army.

The hospital finally called him to report that his patient had expected blood loss and needed blood transfusions.

Dr. Wong ordered body transfusions, but he stayed with his friends because there was no need for him to actually treat the patient, according to Mr. Nathan.

However, his brain remained preoccupied with the patient’s state. When he finished breakfast with his companions, he decided to return home.

When he received a call to a valet and did n’t get a response, he made the decision to drive home, believing that it had been at least three hours since his last drink, according to Mr. Nathan.

This has been” a pretty disturbing event for him,” according to Mr. Nathan.

” And I use that word carefully” ,&nbsp, said the lawyer.

” It’s because he realizes that he could easily have avoided this circumstance, and that’s why it is important remorse on his element.”

He claimed that Dr. Wong even obtained full reparation by working with all parties involved in settlements as he wanted to “do the right factor” and make sure “nobody was paying the price” with his own insurance attorneys.

He cited the” ring of the prison gates” as a” for someone like him” and said even a brief sentence would be heartbreaking.