Lawyers go on strike in India’s capital over criminal law overhaul

As the change was gaining traction in India’s capital, thousands of lawyers in the country’s capital protested on Monday ( 15 July ) by avoiding work and avoiding court hearings.

Many people were offended by new laws that were passed on July 1 that made it easier for courts to make written decisions within 45 days of a trial’s conclusion.

The government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has defended the changes, which include the death sentence for gang murder of women under the age of 18, saying they are “victim-centric,” modernize the program, and “end the infinite wait for righteousness.”

However, opposition parties, activists, and lawyers ‘ organizations have called for a pause, contending that the changes will exaggerate police authority and put pressure on an already overburdened justice system as professionals try to interpret and issue the new legal procedures.

According to NC Sharma, the All District Courts Bar Associations of Delhi director, lawyers from seven city authorities in New Delhi took element in the attack on Monday.

” Professionals are protesting because the changes will make confusion”, he added.

When Reuters visited New Delhi’s Patiala House area court on Monday, it was significantly quieter than usual. One judge official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said many situations were never argued and attorneys sought depositions.

Both the High Court and the Supreme Court of India continued to function normally.