Law revisions to go to cabinet

Law revisions to go to cabinet
Lawmakers and Members show up in the legislature. ( File photo )

The Social Development and Human Security Ministry, according to Minister Varawut Silpa-Archa, will demand that the Child Protection Act act be approved by the cabinet within one month.

The revised edition will concentrate on how families and communities can help kids have healthy environments.

After speaking at a meeting of the National Child Protection Committee on Friday, Mr. Varawut revealed that he had signed the document version of the revised Child Protection Act, which would take effect as soon as possible and get submitted to the government for authorization within this quarter.

He claimed that the present Child Protection Act, which has been in place for a while, needs to be updated to make it more detailed and adapts to contemporary world.

According to him, the revised law’s fresh content emphasizes the use of preventive tools and techniques and increased parental involvement in creating healthy environments for young people.

According to Mr. Varawut, family and community members who do n’t cooperate may be found guilty.

The minister added that the meeting also approved the National Plan of Action for Child Protection BE 2566- 2570, which is in line with the United Nation’s ( UN) Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ) and the Thai government’s” 5×5″ policy for dealing with population crisis.

According to him, the fresh amendment is intended to establish a regulatory framework that will enable children to develop properly and effectively. This will, in turn, gain the country’s economy and cultural development.