He suggests pairing it with citrus, Thai and Indian meals, and even edible with the Junmai Daiginjo, and the drinks increase the meals. Normat sake can currently be purchased from the website Pivene .com as well as some of the restaurants and bars that the wine trader provides to. Peh wants to give the pleasure both locally and internationally.
His rogue attitude of seeking uniqueness by going “against the grain” is embodied in the sake’s development. For instance, Peh made the decision to substitute the amazing fungus from Kubiki for the Japanese yeast to increase the reliability of the taste results. ” However, this confusion also meant that the outcome would be very strange, yet one-of-a-kind”, he commented.
The unconventional use of Gohyakumangoku ( premium rice made for sake ) and Tsukiakari rice (used by top sushi chefs ) in the brewing of the Tokubetsu Junmai, giving the beverage its prominent umami, was another choice.
In telling any account, there is the launch, finale and ending. For Normat Against the Grain pleasure, the advantages is the story and the finale, the style. What about the end?
Also, a surprise ending sits in store for those eagle-eyed enough to peel away the brand. Here, a doodle of a Ryuchi Sakamoto-like character ( Peh is a fan of the late-Japanese composer ) is sipping sake at each stage of life: one with a cap and the other with white hair.
Mr. N, Normat’s symbol, is described in the press release as” an normal man who stays wondering about the world around him, but that his career continues to be relevant and meaningful, regardless of age. Perhaps this is the best way to describe Peh.