Landmark trial for 47 Hong Kong democrats enters final stretch before sentencing

Landmark trial for 47 Hong Kong democrats enters final stretch before sentencing

One quarter after 14 Democrats were found guilty and given two prosecutions, the reduction trials are a month away. Many others had already entered innocent pleas.

Prior to the sentencing hearing, the 45 convicted liberals may enter prevention requests in six quantities over the course of the next six months, with sentences ranging from three years for effective crime participants to living for “principal offenders.”

On Monday, original laws professor Benny Tai, 59, was among the first five plaintiffs to make a prevention appeal.

Tai, who previously pleaded guilty, was deemed by the judges in the written ruling to be the “brains and major promoter” behind the main election to really interfere, destroy or destroy the performance of the government.

Au Nok-hin, Andrew Chiu, and Ben Chung are among those accused of organizing the primary vote who have since admitted guilt and testified for the trial. Eight armed jail wardens secluded them from Tai in the dock.

Gordon Ng, a double member of Australia and Hong Kong, is the first person to enter a not-guilty plea due to a mitigation offer.