Land officials investigated over alleged Khao Yai encroachment

Land officials investigated over alleged Khao Yai encroachment
People wait outside the Agricultural Land Reform Office in Nakhon Ratchasima province on Tuesday morning. (Photo: Prasit Tangprasert)

NAKHON RATCHASIMA – Six land reform officials have been transferred to inactive posts pending an investigation into alleged encroachment on Khao Yai National Park, which is a World Heritage site.

Vinaroj Supsongsuk, secretary-general of the Agricultural Land Reform Office (Alro), said on Tuesday he had moved the six officials to the central office to pave the way for the investigation.

He had also written to the governor of Nakhon Ratchasima asking that he suspend operations by the provincial Alro branch involving the disputed land in Khao Yai while the area was examined by the Royal Thai Survey Department, which was expected to take a few weeks.

The disputed land is in the Ban Haew Pla Kang area and the survey department would determine if it is  within the boundary of Khao Yai National Park or not, Mr Vinaroj said.

It was earlier alleged that agricultural land reform title deeds were issued for 2,933 rai of land inside Khao Yai National Park in Pak Chong district.

The Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation opposed the issuing of the title deeds.

The Alro office in Nakhon Ratchasima opened as usual on Tuesday, with many people there waiting to transform their agricultural land reform titles into land title deeds.