Key Speakers and agenda announced for the 6th ISES 2024 

  • Student and senior specific ticket prices announced
  • HRH Tengku Mahkota of Pahang to provide Presentation Target

Key Speakers and agenda announced for the 6th ISES 2024 

The 6th International Sustainable Energy Summit ( ISES ) 2024, taking place on August 20th-21st at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, will feature over 70 renowned speakers, 30 leading exhibitors, with 4, 500 visitors expected to be in attendance. Full Sessions and Serious Dive Workshops led by power experts will be held at the Summit.

The 6th ISES may have HRH Prince Hassanal Shah, Tengku Mahkota of Pahang, who is scheduled to give a presentation address before the next Plenary Session on Youth, Education, and Talent Development. The promotion of native talent through schooling and talent development is viewed as a necessary step in accelerating the transition to renewable energy and ensuring a prosperous and modern potential.

Another significant speakers include:

  • &nbsp, Ir. Megat Jalaluddin, president and CEO of Tenaga Nasional Berhad ( TNB). He was TNB’s past chief operating officer, and he was instrumental in the company’s change to net-zero energy, which was in line with Malaysia’s 2030 goal of carbon neutrality.
  • Professor Dr Jomo Kwame Sundram, top director at the Khazanah Research Institute and a Fellow of the Academy of Science, Malaysia. He serves as visiting teacher at the International Islamic University Malaysia, visiting professor at the University of Malaya, and visiting professor at the University of Malaya. He has held important jobs at the UN and FAO, as well as serving on the Economic Action Council and the Council of Eminent Persons, the perfect leader’s Economic Action Council and and the Council of Eminent Persons. Additionally, he was awarded the Wassily Leontief Prize in 2007 for advancing the boundaries of economic idea.
  • Hairol Azizi Tajudin, CEO of Cenergi-SEA Berhad who has over 25 years of experience in the fuel &amp, fuel and electricity industries. His solid foundation, which he led at Malakoff, where he spearheaded initiatives into solar energy and increased operational efficiency, is now under his leadership at Cenergi-SEA.

Throughout the mountain, industry leaders like OCBC Bank Malaysia Bhd, Solarvest Energy Sdn Bhd, Malakoff Corporation Berhad, Sarawak Energy, and others will share their knowledge in sustainable energy options.

Special ticketing rates are offered to guarantee diversity, with special rates available for seniors and students over the age of 60.

More details on the schedule and booking can be found at www. ises. gov. my