Julian Assange leaves UK after being freed in US plea deal – BBC News

Christine Assange thanked God that her father’s protracted legal battle appears to be coming to an end.

” I’m happy that my father’s struggle is finally over.” This shows the value and power of polite diplomacy”, she said in a statement published by Australia’s national journalist.

” Some have used my father’s condition to drive their own goals, so I am glad to those unseen, hard- working people who put Julian’s security first”, she added, noting the” burden” the past 14 times had taken on her.

Assange’s dad John Shipton thanked the American government for its campaigning.

” Julian’s return to Australia appears to be free. My thanks and gratitude to all his followers … that have made that possible, and of course, the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese”, he told ABC News.

Mr Shipton described his father’s possible returning home as “energising”.

” I do n’t fade easily, you know. And neither does Julian. It must be a household personality”.