Jet plan meets offset policy: Saab AB

RTAF to find B19bn for more heat help

Jet plan meets offset policy: Saab AB

Sweden’s Saab AB announced on Tuesday that its plan to sell Gripen fighter jet to the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF ) will comply with the air force’s offset policy and other needs for national potential growth.

The air pressure intends to request a 19 billion ringgit budget for the purchase of new fighter jets in the upcoming fiscal year. Countries that supply Thailand with fresh military equipment must follow the offset policy by providing equitable economic evaluations during bilateral trade.

Air pressure captain, ACM Punpakdee Pattanakul, said the plane procurement system, part of the air agency’s white paper outlining its development goals, is expected to be tabled to the cabinet on April 2.

The weather pressure is said to be weighing between Sweden’s Gripen E/F and the US’s F- 16 Block 70 plane. In May or June, a selection committee that was established to determine which of the two provides better value for money is expected to make the decision.

The white papers includes a strategy to buy a new fleet of fighter jets starting on October 1 and introduce some all-discipline development projects. The RTAF aims to cancel 102 Squadron’s ancient F- 16s at Wing 1 and remove them with 12 new fighter jet.

Robert Hewson, Strategic Communications Director Saab Aeronautics, told the Thai advertising that Gripen possesses the most advanced range of arms and features of any rival warrior, and that it has options that other fighters cannot provide.

He claimed that the country’s network-centric defense program includes Thailand’s Job fighters. He added that expanding these would have the RTAF’s lowest life expenses and the highest administrative impact.

The Finnish offer is a large- technology platform for a big, green, proper partnership to create high- quality jobs, increase exports and develop new capabilities that are relevant to all of Thailand, Mr Hewson said.

The air pressure purchased a fleet of 12 Job combatants based at Wing 7 in Surat Thani, but one of them was destroyed in a collision.

Hewson refuted reports that the Gripen plan would have a submarine alternative, calling it a rumor.