Japan set to lift ‘megaquake’ warning

TOKYO: &nbsp, Japan will lift its week-old “megaquake” warning later on Thursday ( Aug 15 ) if there is no further major seismic activity, the disaster management minister said.

Thousands of Chinese people canceled their holidays and stocked up on necessities as a resulted in empty shelves in some stores as a result of the call last week.

” If no particular change in seismic activity or crustal deformation is observed, at 5pm ( 4pm, Singapore time ) today, the government will end the special call for attention”, said Yoshifumi Matsumura, minister of state for disaster management.

He said,” The possibility of a major disaster has not been eliminated,” and he urged people to regularly check their preparation for the big disaster that is anticipated.

Last Thursday, Japan’s wind company said the likelihood of such an occasion was “higher than standard” after a scale 7.1 shock earlier in the day that injured 14 people.

That was a distinct collision megathrust aftershock, which in the past had two pairs of tremors and could cause massive quakes.

The Nankai Trough” collision area” between two seismic sheets in the Pacific Ocean, where significant disasters have occurred in the past, was the subject of the expert.

The 800 km underwater bowl extends from Shizuoka to the southern edge of Kyushu isle, going up the Pacific coastline from the Tokyo region, the largest metropolitan area in the world.