Japan sends senior official to China over boy’s fatal stabbing

Yoko Kamikawa, the country’s foreign minister, plans to meet with her Taiwanese counterpart in New York while they are both on a trip to the US, according to NHK, the common journalist.

Chinese media reported that the child was a 10-year-old Chinese national life in Shenzhen, while Beijing’s foreign government said his relatives were Japanese and Chinese people, both.

Police detained a 44-year-old person suspected of stabbing the baby.

While it remains unclear if the attack was politically motivated, it happened on Sep 18, the celebration of the 1931″ Mukden event” or” Chinese incident”, which is known in China as a time of national disgrace.

Another weapon attack in Suzhou, close to Shanghai, in June left a Chinese mother and child with injuries, which the Chinese government at the time referred to as an “isolated incident.”

A 55-year-old Chinese woman was killed in an attempt to quit the aggressor, and the local authorities honored her as a result.

As China becomes more assertive in regional issues and as Japan strengthens its security relations with the US and its supporters, relations between the two nations have deteriorated.

However, Beijing announced last week that it had “gradually profile” importing shrimp from Japan following a moratorium in August of last year over the release of water from the Fukushima nuclear plant.

A Foreign aircraft carrier reportedly sailed between two Asian islands for the first time last year, according to Japan.

China claimed it had complied with international law, while Tokyo criticized the incident as” totally unacceptable” and called it” totally unacceptable.”