Japan quake toll rises to 62 as weather hampers rescuers

According to the local power, there were still about 32,800 households without strength in the Ishikawa prefecture. There was no running water in some places.

Numerous food and disaster supplies have arrived in the area, but according to local authorities, blocked or destroyed roads have slowed their shipping to communities.

Yuko Okuda, 30, was seeking refuge at an removal center at the village of Anamizu’s provincial business, which is located south of Suzu.

” I’m here because our lines of communication have been severed. Everyone, including electricity, water, and fuel. Our house was collapse at any time because waves continue to occur, she toldAFP.

She explained that her child is allergic to eggs and could not eat the food provided, saying that” the cold and the lack of foods are now my biggest problems.”


After many thousand persons were stranded, some for about 24 hours, Shinkansen bullet trains and bridges have resumed service.

A significant storm warning was issued when the JMA measured the earthquake’s enormity at 7.6 and the US Geological Survey said it had a magnitude of 7.5.

According to the JMA, the strong earthquake was one of more than 400 that shook the area on Wednesday night.

Ripples at least 1.2 meters high hit Wajima after the primary shock, and a number of smaller quakes were reported elsewhere.

Japan has tight building code in place for more than 40 years, and hundreds of earthquakes occur there each year, the vast majority of which do not cause any damage.

Over the past five decades, earthquakes have struck the Noto place with increasing speed and strength.

According to Yoshihiro Ito of Kyoto University’s Disaster Prevention Research Institute, the large number of tremors is a result of the” difficult” fault systems below the island.

A large 9.0 magnitude earthquake that struck northeastern Japan in 2011 caused a tsunami that left about 18,500 people dead or missing.

Additionally, it flooded the Fukushima nuclear plant, resulting in one of the worst atomic catastrophes in history.

Following the earthquake and aftershocks on Monday, some nuclear power plants along the Sea of Japan beach suffered minor injury, including water leaks used to great nuclear gas and a limited power outage at one facility.

According to the plant’s operators, neither the atmosphere nor the nuclear power plants themselves were in danger of being harmed.