Japan approves Alzheimer’s blood test kit

TOKYO: Japan has approved a blood test kit to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease, its manufacturer announced on Thursday (Dec 22), a rare advance in tackling a condition that affects tens of millions worldwide.

Sysmex Corporation said it was now working to get the kit, which measures the accumulation of a protein that is a marker for the disease, to market “as soon as possible”.

Existing methods of diagnosing Alzheimer’s are expensive and medically intrusive, often involving a brain scan or spinal tap.

“Sysmex has been developing a technology to more quickly and readily identify the accumulation of (amyloid beta) in the brain in order to solve issues in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease,” the company said.

“Unlike conventional testing methods … (the kit) allows testing with blood, thus reducing the physical, emotional, and financial burden on patients,” it added.