Jack Neo says Henry Thia acted better than Mark Lee in Money No Enough 3

Though much hasn’t been revealed about Henry’s character except that he plays a financially troubled hawker, Jack avers that the actor will be the highlight of the movie. 

In an interview with Chinese media zaobao.sg, Jack sang praises of how natural Henry’s acting was.

In fact, the director even thinks that Henry might have a chance to win a Golden Horse award for his performance. 

“Mark has met his match, (Henry) performed even better than him this time. Who knows, he can even win a Golden Horse Best Supporting Actor award for it,” said Jack.

Mark was nominated for Best Leading Actor at the Golden Horse Awards in 2020 for his performance in local movie Number 1. The award eventually went to Taiwanese actor Morning Mo.

Jack continued: “We didn’t deliberately design Henry’s role to be this way, but he really surprised us (with his performance). Of course, Mark did a great job too. Hope they can both win awards for this movie.”

Now we can’t wait to see if Henry is really good as Jack claims. 

Catch Henry, Mark and Jack in Money No Enough on mewatch here

Money No Enough 3 opens in cinemas on Feb 1.

This story was originally published in 8Days.