Israeli ambassador presses need for ‘Holocaust education’

History is teach us to respect richness and compassion.

For Thai kids, learning about the Holocaust is a crucial way to comprehend the significance of respecting richness and resisting injustice.

The Holocaust, according to Jewish ambassador Orna Sagiv, occurred more than 80 centuries ago, but it is still solid proof of the effects of intolerance and hatred for those who are different. Although it is regrettable that prejudice and hatred continue to rule the world, she claims that this can be resolved through Holocaust training.

” We must begin today by imparting lessons from the Holocaust if we want a better future for our kids and world.” People need to learn that it’s acceptable to sit with people who are distinct from you. It is acceptable to agree and to engage in issue, but it is unacceptable to resolve conflicts through violence, she said.

” Learning around and remembering the Holocaust is a good place to start.” How will the future be for us if we do n’t take lessons from the tragedies of the past, despite how cliché it may sound? Because of this, I think that children around the world still need to know about our dreadful past and how one person could wipe out six million people, even though Thai individuals live on the other side of the globe and, luckily, were not involved in the Holocaust.

According to her,” The Holocaust also teaches students how to be better people and to respect differences.”

The International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which is observed on January 27 in honor of Holocaust survivors, was held at the ambassador on Wednesday.

Because the Holocaust serves as an illustration of the risks associated with hatred, according to Glen Chatelier, the chairman of international affairs at Assumption University, students in Thailand may be exposed to Holocaust education. For instance, compassion is a virtue and worth in Buddhism, and the Holocaust was an example of how this value was reversed.

When using social media, where there are many misleading messages, especially information that represent prejudice against differences, students should use the lessons learned from the Holocaust to improve their thoughts on being aware of their surroundings.

The moral and ethical ramifications of indifference, prejudice, and discrimination should be emphasized in Holocaust training, fostering a sense of obligation among individuals to stop such crimes in the future.

Individuals are inspired to recognize and support everyone’s rights, regardless of their background, by the Holocaust, which offers a poignant perspective on human rights. He continued,” It can also help to advance tolerance and diversity by urging culture to value diversity, diversity, and respect for all people.