Indonesia’s Nasdem backs former presidential candidate Anies for Jakarta governor election, in possible rematch against Ahok

Mr. Anies is recognized for his accomplishments while serving as governor of Jakarta, including completing the construction of the Jakarta International Stadium ( JIS ) and the Jakarta International E-Prix Circuit ( JIEC ).

His electability and morality leave room for improvement, and it is the goal of the Jakarta residents to see him carry on with his role in the city’s management. This is our benchmark ( for nominating Mr Anies )”, Mr Willy said at the Nasdem press conference. &nbsp,

Mr. Anies said he reaffirmed his love for Nasdem’s support and that he shared the vision of Jakarta Provincial Government to see the area continue to advance.

” Anything that we consider to be successful should be continued and improved, while items that have not been improved must remain improved,” said Mr. Anies.

” So our target for Jakarta is for it to be one of the nation’s major cities on line with other innovative global places”, he continued.

Recently, Mr Anies had served as Jakarta government from 2017-2022, finally became a political candidate in the February 2024 vote. He was defeated by Prabowo Subianto, the defense minister, who may take his oath of office in October. &nbsp,

In addition to Nasdem, Mr. Anies has also benefited from the Prosperous Justice Party ( PKS) support. The National Awakening Party ( PKB ) has also indicated that it will support Mr. Anies, but has not yet made a formal announcement.

Only PKS has suggested former PKS president Sohibul Iman as Mr. Anies ‘ lieutenant governor member.

PKB, which feels that Mr. Sohibul is unsuitable for the position because he is less well-known in Jakarta, has responded in kind.

Nasdem has stated that it firmly supports Mr. Anies, but that it will not make any group candidate a lieutenant governor. It enables Mr. Anies to pick his personal running partner. &nbsp,

The Indonesian Solidarity Party ( PSI) has suggested that Mr. Kaesang Pangarep, the youngest son of Joko Widodoo, and Mr. Anies could be paired together for the governor’s election in Jakarta, but Nasdem rejected this proposal due to Mr. Kaesang’s extreme low popularity.

Mr. Anies received 29.8 % of the vote, while Mr. Kaesang received only 1 %, according to a poll conducted by the local media platform Kompas in June. &nbsp,

Although it is unknown who Mr. Anies ‘ rival will be as the standard registration process for individuals simply begins on August 27, it is widely believed that there will be a fight with Mr. Ahok.

Other than Mr. Anies and Mr. Ahok, about 20 different political heavyweights have come up as possible candidates for the office of Jakarta chancellor, including former West Java chancellor Ridwan Kamil, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, and State Owned Enterprises &nbsp, secretary Erick Thohir.

According to the Kompas survey, Mr. Ahok and Mr. Ridwan received 28 % and Mr. Ridwan received 38 %, the second and third highest ranking possible candidates for the Jakarta election. &nbsp,

Mr Erick and Mdm Sri Mulyani just received 2.3 percent and 1.3 per share respectively. &nbsp,