Indonesian police halt truck with over 200 dogs bound for slaughter

SEMARANG: In the latest victory for those who oppose eating dog meat, Indonesian authorities have detained a truck carrying more than 200 puppies chained and headed for the butcher, according to officials.

The endangered pooches were found in the truck’s bed with their legs and mouths bound late on Saturday night ( Jan 6 ) in Semarang city, Java.

Five vehicle crew members were detained by the authorities; they will be charged with violating an animal welfare law and may spend up to five years in captivity.

Irwan Anwar, the captain of local authorities, told reporters on Saturday night that although we have known about this for the past month, we were only able to stop the transfer of 226 puppies now.

One of the few nations that also allow the purchase of dog and cat meat is Indonesia, but a movement against the practice has been growing, with some locations, including Semarang, enacting local bans on the deal in recent years.

The dogs were traveling to Surakarta, a nearby town, where they would have been killed and their beef sold for usage in eastern Java, the police chief continued, according to the preliminary investigation of his department.

Pet welfare activists claimed they had informed the police of the dog foods deal in December but had since forgotten about the procedure.

On December 23, one of my social media followers gave me the details for the first time. According to Christian Yosua Pale of Animals Hope Shelter Indonesia, who has advocated for a global restrictions on dog and cat flesh, they escaped my surveillance two weeks ago.

” Cats and dogs are not animal, so they cannot be raised for human usage.”

After years of dissident pressure to stop the business and its heinous methods of murder, a renowned Indonesian animal market on the island of Sulawesi stopped selling dog and cat meat last year.