Indonesian government distances itself as meeting of five Islamic activists and Israel’s president draws condemnation

The visiting program for Indonesian scholars has been running for years, according to a NU professor named Nadirsyah Hosen, but it frequently generates discussion whenever a trip is made public. &nbsp,

For example, Yahya Cholil Staquf, a prominent NU figure, was criticized for conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2018. He was elected in the position in 2021 and is now the standard chairman of NU. &nbsp,

The five protesters ‘ most recent visit is said to have been made in their private capacity, but NU and Indonesian officials claim they should have been more aware. &nbsp,

Although they received formal invitations from the Harvard alumni networking for academic and business reasons, Dr. Nadirsyah claims that their association with NU was a significant factor in their acceptance.

” If they were just’ protesters and scholars’, I am sure they would not have been invited to meet the leader. It is exactly because they are NU people that they were invited”, wrote Dr Nadirsyah, who is also an associate professor at Melbourne Law School, on his Instagram account.

He argued that NU leaders and members if decline offers for as long as the Gaza fight continues. &nbsp,

” The only one who benefits ( from this visiting programme ) is Israel with a visit from NU”, he said.

The Indonesian Ulema Council ( MUI), a body of the country’s top Islamic scholars, said it “deeply ( regretted )” the visit at a time when tens of thousands of Palestinians have been killed by Israel.

The meeting, according to NU Chairman Syafi Alielha, demonstrated a lack of knowledge of the organization’s policies and political conditions, and added that it did not represent the organization. &nbsp,

” We do n’t know who sponsored it or what the purpose is.” He remarked in an official statement posted on the NU website on Sunday ( July 14 ) that it was a regrettable act.

Saifullah Yusuf, the secretary-general of NU, stated the following day that the organization is requesting explanation and will call the five campaigners for an explanation. &nbsp,

If found to possess violated any of the organisation’s rules, they could be dismissed from their NU positions, he said. &nbsp,

Unusia added that it would hold an morality hearing regarding Mr. Zainul and that its presence had harmed its standing. The university said in a statement that” Unisie fully supports Palestinian independence and strongly condemns the ongoing genocide by Israel against the Palestinian people.”

Founded in 1926, NU promotes a reasonable product of Islam and has around 91.2 million people, based on 2019 information from Indonesia’s Ministry of Home Affairs. Indonesia’s second-largest Islamist company, Muhammadiyah, has approximately 60 million members.

The local health authority claims that this is not the first moment an topic relating to Israel has sparked outrage in Indonesia as a result of the conflict in Gaza, which has resulted in the deaths of over 39, 000 people.

In April, Indonesia’s foreign ministry refuted media reports that suggested the nation would resume diplomatic relations with Israel in exchange for a membership in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ).