Indonesia ditches tough import curbs on its migrant workers after public outcry

Despite widespread censure, Indonesia has reacted by lifting strict restrictions on foreign commodities brought in or returned from abroad by its migrant workers less than two decades after the measures went into effect.

The regulations placed tight restrictions; – such as a two-bag seal per person, two pairs of shoes per person, and a maximum of five textile materials per person. They were initially described last year for Indonesian immigrant workers and foreign travelers, and they became effective on March 10.

On Tuesday ( Apr 16 ), various ministries voted to reverse the order governing Indonesian migrant workers.  

According to an official media release from Indonesia’s Ministry of Trade, the restart aims to provide comfort and good solutions to those who want to return products to their families.

With this rest, the Ministry of Trade wants to honor and recognize the great contributions of our unusual exchange heroes, our migrant workers, the ministry added.

More than nine million Indonesians were employed worldwide, according to a 2017 World Bank review, with more than three-quarters of them working in low-skilled positions.

According to Indonesian authorities, the strong transfer measures were intended to stop the commercialization of goods imported into the nation and make sure that purchases made abroad are only for personal use.

But the shift also sparked virtual argument over its effectiveness. Some organizations received severe criticism, including Benny Rhamdani, the head of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency ( BP2MI ).

Mr. Benny argued for a reset by claiming that the procedures placed an unfair burden on Indonesian migrant workers, frequently resulting in their products being kept in conventions facilities and unaccessible to their intended recipients.

” They laboured for decades, saving money to purchase requirements for their people, only to see these goods wallow in warehouses, finally succumbing to destruction,” said Mr Benny as reported by CNN Indonesia.

Although the legislation reverses restrictions on the type or quantity of goods that Indonesian migrant workers can bring or have returned, they are also subject to taxes depending on the value of the goods.

Shipments with a maximum customs value of US$ 500 per consignment, up to three deliveries annually ( not exceeding US$ 1,500 per year ) are exempt from import duties. Beyond that, a 7. 5 per cent income applies.