India’s Modi renews push for common civil code on Independence Day

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated on Thursday ( Aug 15 ) that he wanted to push ahead with a national common civil code of law, a proposal that is bitterly opposed by Muslim activists as an attack on their faith.

India’s 1.4 billion people are content to a popular legal laws but laws vary on individual issues such as marriage, divorce and inheritance.

The proposed legal code would set the rules for all spiritual groups, but liberals and Arab activists have fierce opposition to it because it targets the largest religious minority.

However, the Hindu nationalist president claimed that the country was divided by the various laws in an annual Independence Day target.

” Those legislation that divide the country on the basis of religion, that become rationale for injustice, should have no place in a modern society”, Modi said.

” That’s why I say that the state needs a liberal civil code,” I say.

After suffering a shock election setback for his Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP), Modi was forced into a coalition government in June, where he had previously been without an overwhelming majority for the first time in a decade.

More than 220 million Muslims in India are extremely concerned about their futures as a result of the BJP’s Hindu nationalist speech.

” The legal code, under which we live, is actually a form of social legal code, a script of discrimination”, Modi said, calling for discussion on the topic.

” People may come out with their mind”, he told the thousands of students, men and foreign officials in the market.