India’s Modi in talks with allies after close election win


On the roads of New Delhi, BJP followers noted that their party had won the most votes and toasted the victory.

” We are but joyful about the results”, said 36- yr- old office worker Archana Sharma.

She said she was “looking forward to supporting Modi and BJP” in the future, also.

Govind Singh, 38, an optician, said “having a robust opposition is important” but added that it was better to have a state with a political lot.

” Having a complete authority is essential for any state”, he said.

The BJP secured 240 seats in parliament, also down on the 303 from five years ago and 32 votes short of a lot.

The primary opposition Congress party won 99 votes in a remarkable turn, nearly doubling its 2019 count of 52.

After the results were released, opposition leader Rahul Gandhi declared to reporters that the nation had told Narendra Modi,” We do n’t want you,” adding that everyone had” the right response.”

Critics and exit polls had predicted a landslide victory for Modi, who was accused of leading the execution of opposition figures and violating the rights of India’s 200 million plus Arab community.

Modi was re-elected to his district in the Hindu holy city of Varanasi by a far smaller percentage of 152, 300 votes, in a private bite. Compared to almost half a million vote five years ago.