India may be linked to Canadian Sikh leader’s death – Trudeau

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The American government, according to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, may be responsible for the deadly shooting of American Sikh head Hardeep Singh Nijjar.

On June 18, British Columbia( BC ), Mr. Nijjar was shot and killed in front of a Sikh temple.

According to Mr. Trudeau, Canadian intelligence has found a” credible” connection between his passing and the Indian state.

At the most current G20 summit, he reportedly brought up the subject with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Mr. Trudeau stated in the House of Commons on Monday that any foreign government involvement in a French citizen’s murder on American soil is an intolerable infraction of our independence.

It goes against the basic principles that govern how free, opened, and political societies operate.

India has recently denied having any part in Mr. Nijjar’s death.

Following Mr. Trudeau’s notes, Foreign Minister Melanie Joly informed reporters that Pavan Kumar Rai, an American diplomat, had also been expelled by Canada on Monday due to the event.

The American embassy in Canada has been contacted by the BBC for opinion.

Ms. Joly stated that due to the ongoing homicide investigation into Mr. Nijjar’s death, American officials are constrained in what they can publicly state about the case.

The death of the 45-year-old has recently been classified by prosecutors as a” targeted event.”

In the busy parking lot of the Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara in Surrey, a city about 30 kilometers( 18 miles ) east of Vancouver, Mr. Nijjar was shot dead in his car by two masked gunmen in the middle of June.

Photo of Hardeep Singh Nijjar

Sikh PA.

He was a well-known Sikh chief in British Columbia’s westernmost province and openly advocated for Khalistan, an Indian state in Punjab that is separate. His supporters claim that because of his engagement in the past, he was the target of threats.

His supporters call the allegations made against him by India that he was a criminal and the leader of an active separatist party” unfounded.”

Mr. Trudeau claimed that high-level security and intelligence companies in India have been informed of Canada’s issues regarding the death of M. Nijjar.

Along with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and US President Joe Biden, he even brought it up.

He continued,” I continue to ask with a great deal of strength that the Indian state work with Canada to clarify this condition.”

According to Mr. Trudeau, the killing in Nijjar has incensed Canadians, making some fear for their safety.

The World Sikh Organization, one of the Canadian sikhs organizations, welcomed the perfect president’s speech, stating that Mr. Trudeau confirmed what was already widely held in the community.

Indian-born Canadians number between 1.4 and 1.8 million, according to estimates. Inside of Punjab, the nation has the highest concentration of Sikhs in India.

After their strained meeting last week at the G20 summit in India, Mr. Trudeau made these comments.

According to a statement from the Indian government, Mr. Modi claimed that during that meeting, Canada had not done enough to put an end to” anti-India actions of extremist components”— the nation’s Sikh separatist movement.

Additionally, Canada just put an end to talks for a free trade pact with India. India cited” particular political developments ,” but it provided some specifics as to why.

The second well-known Sikh person to pass away unexpectedly in recent months is Mr. Nijjar.

Avtar Singh Khanda, the alleged leader of the Khalistan Liberation Force, passed away in Birmingham in June in the UK under what have been referred to as” mysterious circumstances.”

India designated Paramjit Singh Panjwar as a criminal, and he was assassinated in May in Lahore, the money of Pakistan’s Punjab state.