Inclusive national dialogue key to peaceful resolution in Myanmar: Indonesian foreign minister

JAKARTA: Foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have agreed that inclusive national dialogue is key to finding a peaceful resolution to the situation in Myanmar, said Indonesia’s Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi on Friday (Feb 3).

She was speaking to journalists after the ASEAN foreign ministers met in Jakarta for the grouping’s 32nd coordinating council meeting. 

They started the meeting with a working lunch on addressing the situation in Myanmar which has been in a crisis since the military coup two years ago, she said. 

“During the working lunch, we discussed and agreed to urge significant progress in the implementation of Five-Point Consensus to pave the way for inclusive national dialogue in Myanmar. 

“That inclusive dialogue is key to finding a peaceful resolution to the situation in Myanmar. And, a conducive environment should be created for an inclusive dialogue by reducing violence and ensuring a timely and unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance.”

They reiterated the united approach in addressing the situation in Myanmar through the Five-Point Consensus, said Mdm Marsudi.

Mdm Marsudi added that she took the opportunity to brief the members on Indonesia’s approaches to Myanmar as chair. 

Indonesia will put forward three approaches, she said. Indonesia is the rotating chair of ASEAN this year.

“First, engage all stakeholders as a first step to facilitate a possibility of an inclusive national dialogue. I also shared my initial engagement with all stakeholders.

“Second, build conducive conditions to pave the way for an inclusive dialogue. Two important issues for conducive conditions: Reducing violence and continuation of humanitarian assistance for all needed.”

She said that these two conditions are paramount to building trust and confidence. 

Thirdly, Indonesia wants to synergise ASEAN efforts with neighbouring, concerned countries and the United Nations special envoys of Myanmar as well as other countries. 

“All members during the working lunch, rendered their full support to the approaches of Indonesia in addressing the situation in Myanmar,” she stated.