Imran Khan: Pakistan police open investigation into former PM

Image shows Imran Khan at rally Getty Images

Pakistan’s police have got launched an investigation into the country’s former leading minister, Imran Khan.

He is offender of making threats contrary to the police and judiciary following a political conversation he gave on Saturday.

Stress are high in the nation, with the former leader’s supporters gathering outdoors his house vowing to “take over” if he is arrested.

Since being ousted from power in April, Mr Khan has been a vocal critic of the government as well as the country’s army.

Law enforcement opened their investigation into him following the cricketer-turned-politician accused specialists of torturing his close aide, who may be himself being held under sedition fees.

In a public presentation on Saturday, Mister Khan condemned Islamabad’s police chief and a female judge for the detention and claimed mistreatment of their party colleague.

“You should also prepare yourself as we will take action against you, ” he said in the speech, referring to the particular pair directly.

Law enforcement investigators say Mr Khan may have breached the country’s anti-terrorism act for allegedly making threats contrary to the state officials.

Numerous the former prime minister’s supporters gathered outside his home within Islamabad after news of the investigation broke, vowing to “take over” the capital in case police tried to detain him.

Law enforcement who were present in the scene said they were not there to arrest the former chief, but to maintain law and order.

The investigation comes during a period of heightened pressure between Pakistan’s govt and Mr Khan, who was ousted from power in 04 in a no-confidence election.

Since then, the former head has toured the nation to deliver a series of hot speeches calling meant for fresh elections and fiercely criticising both government and the army.

On Saturday, Pakistan’s media regulator declared that television channels would be banned from broadcasting his speeches reside, accusing Mr Khan of hate speech against state organizations.

The former leader promises the government is trying in order to censor him. Upon Sunday, he criticised the ban from another political rally in the city of Rawalpindi.

“What crime provides Imran Khan dedicated? I will never accept this gang associated with thieves, ” he or she told his followers.

Mr Khan afterwards accused the government of blocking access to YouTube halfway through the conversation in an effort to prevent people from listening to him live.

Despite getting ousted from power in a no-confidence election earlier this year, Imran Khan continues to count on the support of many Pakistaner voters.

Last month, his PTI celebration stunned rivals by taking control of a crucial provincial assembly in Punjab, defeating the PML-N party in what was expected to be a simple win for them.

Numerous saw July’s by-election victory as a transmission of Mr Khan’s continued popularity at the ballot box : and a foretaste of what could happen when the early elections which he is seeking would be to be held.

The charismatic politician was elected prime minister in 2018, but fell away with Pakistan’s powerful army towards the end of his period. After a series of defections, he lost their majority in parliament.

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