Important to ’empower and transform’ the UN so that it is future-ready: Vivian Balakrishnan


In his speech, Dr Balakrishnan even emphasised the need to reinforce&nbsp, the basic function of the UN in maintaining global peace and security.

We may return to the fundamentals by strengthening the UN’s fundamental responsibility in maintaining international peace and security, he said.

This has backed global peace and security for the last 80 years, he added.

” We cannot help current violations of international law to be normalised”, he said, adding that the&nbsp, conflict in Ukraine was a “flagrant&nbsp, violation of international law and the UN Charter”.

The conquest of one nation by another, under the pretext of traditional issues and concerns, may be justified by any means, he said.

” If we allow the idea that’ could is right’ to emerge, the world will be a pretty dangerous spot, especially for small state”, said the foreign affairs minister.

Singapore and other small states must continuously demand that all member state follow international rules and the UN Charter, he added.

” We while a small state have no desire to oppose or become involved in great authority conflict.” We do not want to be an area for substitute war”, said Dr Balakrishnan.

” We just aim to protect our independence, to exercise our independence, and to chart our own future – our individuals deserve that”.

This is why smaller states like Singapore have always been “ardent proponents” for&nbsp, international laws and the UN Charter, he added.

” For little says, internationalism and international law is not an option, it is in fact an existential necessity”, said Dr Balakrishnan.