HSA warns against use of skin cream after woman developed severe inflammation


According to HSA, long-term unattended use of these products can lead to hypersensitivity emotions, skin thinning, and dermal steroid withdrawal syndrome ( burning, itching, and redness after abrupt ending of continuous use of topical steroids ),” […

The products “may also be absorbed into the body and cause serious adverse effects when applied to huge areas of the skin or used over a prolonged time” it added.

For effects include high blood pressure, glaucoma, muscular and bone diseases, an increased danger of infection, and Cushing’s syndrome.

Cushing’s symptoms is&nbsp, characterised by a square face or “moon experience” appearance and lower body obesity with narrow arms.

HSA urged people who use the DermaCare Touch Skin product to see a doctor as soon as possible.

According to the statement,” Sustained stopping creams containing steroid does increase underlying body conditions or lead to oral corticosteroid withdrawal symptoms like burning, redness, itching, or skin peeling,” it said. &nbsp,

HSA also pointed out that over the past two decades, it has noticed a rise in the number of ointments marketed for skin conditions like allergy, allergies, and psoriasis.

However, these products, including&nbsp, Touch Skin by DermaCare, &nbsp, Special Skin Treatment, &nbsp, Star Cream, &nbsp, JolicareTM ( Original, Baby and Collagen ) &nbsp, and&nbsp, EUZEMA Confidence Revival Cream, were found to have been adulterated with steroids and other potent medicinal ingredients.

The majority of the ointments were used in young kids and&nbsp, sold on sites, e-commerce systems, social media platforms and in one circumstance, by a salesman in a wooden barn, HSA said.

According to the statement,” They suffered serious adverse effects from the use of these products because they are younger and more susceptible to the effects of contaminants like drugs,” it continued.

” All dealers and vendors must stop selling these items immediately”.

Buyers should be cautious when purchasing from disputed, unreliable, or online resources, according to the expert.

Various quantities of the same item may contain different amounts of substances and/or different types of contaminants, according to it. Also, counterfeit products are frequently produced under poor conditions without quality control.

Alternatively, consumers should only buy health products from reputable pharmacies or suppliers ‘ sites, as well as&nbsp, those with an established financial appearance in Singapore.

” HSA did not hesitate to take stern enforcement actions against anyone who sells and supplies materials discovered to be tampered with prohibited materials, dangerous substances, or toxic heavy metal beyond the acceptable limits,” said the organization.

If convicted, dealers and manufacturers may remain jailed for up to three years, fined up to&nbsp, S$ 100, 000, or both.