Households in Singapore to receive six ART kits from Jul 17

SINGAPORE: From Monday (Jul 17), each household in Singapore will receive six antigen rapid test (ART) kits, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Sunday.

The distribution will last until Sep 30 and the kits will be drawn from the national stockpile which was built to mitigate supply chain disruptions and sudden surges in usage, MOH added in a press release. 

The current batch of ART kits have a remaining shelf life of about six months, as the stockpile needs to be refreshed to maintain resiliency. 

“The distributed ART kits are expected to expire in the first quarter of 2024,” said MOH. 

The ministry added that the usable period of the ART kits can still “cover the year-end”, coinciding with the Northern Hemisphere winter season, during which respiratory viruses including influenza and COVID-19 may spread more easily globally.

“Many also take overseas vacations during this period and the kits will help families to take additional precautions where needed.”

With the shift towards COVID-19 endemicity, MOH advised Singaporeans to take measures to protect themselves and their families, especially seniors and medically vulnerable people.

It added that people who test positive with an ART test “should regard themselves as being infected with COVID-19”.

They should avoid close contact with others while still symptomatic and return to normal activities when their symptoms resolve.