Hong Kong’s consumer watchdog apologises after Chinese brand Nongfu Spring hits back over its ‘excessive bromate’ claims

The products tested were “natural drinking water,” according to Nongfu Spring, and the ingredients on the test results table were” clearly marked as “natural water ( deep lake water )””. &nbsp,

However, in its assessment, the Consumer Council had placed Nongfu Spring’s goods under the “natural metal water” classification and compared it with different types of products, and assessed it based on EU “natural metal water” standards. &nbsp,

” Nongfu Spring’s ‘ natural drinking water ‘ products, even if adopting EU standards, should be evaluated against EU’s safety standards for” drinking water” and not” natural mineral water” standards”, the letter wrote. &nbsp,

The level of bromate if n’t exceed 10 grams per gallon, according to Union drinking water safety requirements.

The natural drinking water products from Nongfu Spring are” completely in accordance with drinking water safety standards in the regions above” ( contains bromate levels of ) 3 micrograms per litre ).

The organization added that due to the region’s laws, as its goods are produced and sold on the mainland and Hong Kong, are given precedence. &nbsp,

It claimed that the consumer watchdog “forcibly applied” third-party criteria that were inapplicable to goods sold in Hong Kong and did not take into account the manufacturing and engineering differences. &nbsp,

” The conclusion drawn ( by the Consumer Council ) was unscientific and unreasonable”, said Nongfu Spring. &nbsp,

It even claimed that the terminology used by the Consumer Council was “unprofessional” and had the “deliberate intention to mislead”. &nbsp,


In a statement on Thursday ( Jul 18 ), the Consumer Council said after a meeting with Nongfu Spring representatives, it has reclassified the company’s bottled water sample as&nbsp, “natural drinking water” &nbsp, and “re-scored the sample”. &nbsp,

The buyer protection organization claimed to have previously categorized the bottled water test from Nongfu Spring as “natural mineral water.”

The earlier categorization was based on the four different minerals listed on its product checklist, which was comparable to that of “natural nutrient water” and “natural drinking water,” according to the article.

According to the government, it understood that Nongfu Spring’s packaged water was no “natural metal water” nor “purified waters” but “natural having water”. &nbsp,

As just 3 grams per litre was within the collection of European Union’s requirements for formate, Nongfu Spring’s bottled water is safe to drink. After “re-scoring”, the trial also had its ranking raised from four and a half actors to five. &nbsp,