Her sons had trouble talking, so this Singaporean mum started a special needs centre to help them

SMALL Groups, IMMERSIVE Training

Sunico-Chin recalls how typical preschool teachers might struggle to accommodate special needs children because they” they just have too much on their plate,” even though it’s” not their fault.”

So she made a decision to retain the small school size, with one teacher for every two to four children.

However, maintaining such strict standards also means being upfront about the fees involved, she acknowledged. According to suggestive prices listed on their website, half-day initiatives start from S$ 2, 450 per month, while full-day initiatives start from S$ 4, 155.

When the center was being established, it was also” difficult” to list the solutions they would offer, the frequency they would be offered, and how intellectual knowledge would be incorporated into the daily lessons. They finally settled on their existing curriculum, which includes weekly occupational therapy and speech and language therapy. &nbsp,

Teachers, however, incorporate therapy techniques into the normal curriculum and meet with the therapists frequently to discuss the progress of the children, allowing them to react fast to noticeable behavioral changes, such as if a child exhibits a sudden aversion to toilet training.

Having treatment and training co-exist in the same area “makes a distinction”, Sunico-Chin realised. You’re hoping a child will generalize when they return home, which some kids can, but my kids ca n’t. It definitely needs them to become very immersive”.