Heatwave kills dozens in India’s capital, reports Times of India

At least 52 people have died in New Delhi as a result of an unrelenting heatwave that issweeping northern India, according to the Times of India on Thursday ( Jun 20 ), as the nation battled record temperatures this summer.

According to the Times of India, at least 52 systems were transported to clinics in the past two weeks, the majority of them homeless and poor people who lived and worked in the open.

Between Mar 1 and Jun 18, when north and northeast India recorded half the normal amount of heat times, India has recorded more than 40, 000 suspected sunstroke cases this summers and at least 110 confirmed deaths.

In an editor on Thursday, The Hindu newspaper cited water scarcity and record-breaking energy shortages as reasons why a protracted summer may be categorized as a natural disaster.

Federal and state hospitals were directed to provide more beds, while the health department also mandated that federal and state institutions provide for immediate care.

According to statistics from the weather department, Delhi experienced its warmest day in over 50 years on Wednesday, with a minimum temp of 35.2 % Celsius, which is above normal for this month as well.

Billions of people in Asia are battling intense temperature in a trend that researchers claim has been worsened by human-driven climate change.