Haze could hit Singapore over the weekend after significant increase in hotspots in Indonesia

SINGAPORE: If forest fires continue in Indonesia and there are unfavorable wind directions, the air quality in Singapore could fall into the unhealthy range this weekend, according to the National Environment Agency( NEA ) on Friday( Oct 6 ).

With 212 spots discovered on Friday compared to 65 on Thursday and 15 on Wednesday, the company noted a” major increase.”

” Smoke clouds and cloud were seen over southern and central Sumatra from satellite imagination.” This afternoon’s small change in wind direction, from southeast to south, blew some of the lighter fog toward Singapore and worsened air quality, according to a media release.

If the fires continue and the wind direction is unfavorable, there is a chance that cloud will affect Singapore over the upcoming trip.

The 1 hour PM2.5 levels in Singapore’s southern and eastern regions reached elevated levels on Friday afternoon( above & nbsp, 55 ug / m3 ) and remained elevated at 10 p.m.

The 24-hour Pollutant Standards Index( PSI ) could fall into the unhealthy range of more than 100 over the weekend, according to NEA, should the situation persist.

The organization added that starting on Saturday night, it will start offering regular cloud advisories.

The consumer can use the 24-hour PSI estimates included in the normal cloud advice to plan their activities and events for the following 24 hrs.

According to NEA,” advisories have previously been issued to different sectors, including healthcare facilities, preschools, schools, and workplaces to remind them to take suitable haze management measures if the 24-hour PSI enter the bad range, mainly to protect more resilient groups.”