Have you been overeating without realising it? Here’s why the 80% full rule is good for you

The phenomenon is known as&nbsp, sensory-specific fullness. &nbsp,” But if you introduce a new flavour, smell or even texture into the mix, it’s easy to overcome that feeling of ‘ Oh, I’m full ‘” ,&nbsp, he said on Live Science.

Other experts think that development has given us this urge for variety, causing us to eventually obtain our vital nutrients from various food groups. &nbsp,” In the long run, we need a great combination of vitamins”, said Professor Barbara Rolls, the chairman of Penn State’s Laboratory for the Study of Human Ingestive Behavior, in the same content.

” The large variety of huge portions of calorie-dense products available to us now has a back-firing effect on us.” The range does promote consumption, and so it’s likely contributing to obesity”, she said.


According to Dr Chong, your stomach should feel perfectly satisfied but no awkwardly stretched, strong or sluggish.

” You are not at the point where you need to lighten your belt, or feeling unwell, heavy or bloated”, he said. You don’t think a strong urge or need to have more, but you are aware that you could have more. You are aware that getting uncomfortable after this place is possible.