Haresh Sharma playwriting course at NUS lacked numbers to be ‘conducted meaningfully’

SINGAPORE: &nbsp, The playwriting course taught by local playwright Haresh Sharma “lacked sizeable numbers” to be conducted “meaningfully”, said a National University of Singapore ( NUS) spokesperson.

The university responded on Thursday ( Aug 15 ) &nbsp, after Mr. Sharma claimed that NUS “did not approve” his appointment five days before the start of the term.

” For the past few years, I’ve been teaching often at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.” However, he declared in an Instagram post on Monday that” this time I have been dropped without a purpose.”

” I’m told that’ the school’s selection is related to problems of skills, experience or training abilities’. Next what? Is this how the school treats the nearby artists? What about all the study I did to get ready for my training? the article read. &nbsp,

Mr Sharma formerly taught a unit named Playwriting: Training and Production. &nbsp,

On Wednesday, local theater artist Noorlinah Mohamed even posted about a related knowledge. &nbsp,

She was asked to return in May to tell the same package, Voice Studies and Generation, that she had been teaching for the past few years.

At the end of July, she received an email worded also to the one received by Mr Sharma, she said on Instagram. &nbsp,

Also, she had blocked out the dates to instruct the component and prepared the components.

” And then dropped. No kindness phone contact. No talk. No thank you for your service. Nothing”, she wrote in her Instagram account. &nbsp,

According to NUS, a full-time workers is now delivering the tone studies and production course. &nbsp,

The school did not respond to inquiries as to why Mr. Sharma and Ms. Noorlinah were simply informed of their non-acquiescence five days prior and at the end of July, both. &nbsp,

” In running our training and choosing physical teachers to train selected ones, the university considers many factors, including membership and the broader curriculum”, said the NUS director.

On this problem, we have reached out to both Mr. Haresh Sharma and Ms. Noorlinah Mohamed.