‘Hallucinating’ man charged after vandalising stupa with a hammer

'Hallucinating' man charged after vandalising stupa with a hammer
Hammer time: Scattered debris outside the stupa at Wat Suan Dok in Muang district, Chiang Mai on Saturday.

Chiang Mai: A 36-year-old man has been arrested and charged with vandalising a stupa which houses the bones of Chao Inthawichayanon, the seventh ruler of Chiang Mai, at Wat Suan Dok on Friday evening, police said on Saturday.

The suspect, identified as Thanadol, a native of Lamphun, was detained about 7pm after he smashed a tablet on the stupa with a hammer and tried to break inside, according to Chiangmainews.co.th.

Thanadol, who had a hammer and a knife, appeared to be hallucinating when he was approached by a temple official investigating the noise.

He claimed to be a reincarnation of Chao Inthawichayanon and said he had been “told” to retrieve the bones from the stupa, police said.

Yiam Kawilawes, the temple official who called police to the scene, said the man sneaked into the compound while monks were carrying out their evening prayers. However, the noise tipped off the monks who told him to make an inspection.

Mr Yiam said he caught Mr Thanadol smashing part of the stupa when he arrived. When he asked the intruder what he was doing, the man said: “I was told to retrieve a box inside.”

As the trespasser had a hammer and a knife, Mr Yiam decided to call police and chatted with the man to distract him as he waited for officers to arrive.

The suspect was taken to Phuping Rajanivej station for questioning and was taken for a crime re-enactment on Saturday morning. He was initially charged with causing property damage and trespassing at night.