Govt to help farmers pay for fertiliser

Govt to help farmers pay for fertiliser

The government announced the launch of a co-payment program to help aid fertiliser purchases for over 4 million households who grow corn.

Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai stated yesterday that arrangements have been made to help farmers and that this year’s wheat prices are better than those of the past year at a meeting of the national corn control policy committee.

Farmers have been benefited by large subsidies from the government so far, which has led them to look for better manufacturing methods and lower production costs. A compost task was just started, and the authorities vowed to cover the remaining costs.

The Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives mobile application will be used to implement the job, making it accessible to all producers. In light of recent rate increases, suppliers of fertilizers may be invited to join to standardize prices.

According to Mr. Phumtham, the compost formulas are anticipated to increase yields and help to solve the issue of higher costs.

Mr. Phumtham stated at the conference that the commission and the council had a principled agreement regarding the project for co-payment fertiliser.

For farmers who have registered with the Department of Agriculture Extension ( DAE), which currently stands at 4.68 million households, farmers will receive financial support for purchasing chemical and organic fertilizers up to 500 baht per rai and up to 20 rai per household.

The government may manage 29.9 billion ringgit for the job. In order to fund farmers ‘ needs for the next rice crop in 2024/2020, Mr. Phumtham predicted that the DAE would submit the funds proposal to the government for approval this month.