Furore over substandard school meals

After images of the school’s allegedly subpar meals were made available online, the Basic Education Commission ( OBC ) and the National Anti-Corruption Commission ( NACC ) are conducting an investigation.

Acting Sub Lt Thanu Wongjinda, secretary-general of the Obec, on Friday said a fact-finding sensor had been set up in response to a complaint by the Social page” See Dog” showing pictures of the board school’s reportedly low-quality and unsafe foods.

One picture revealed a meal that consisted of simple corn and deep-fried cocktail-sized sausages. Some sausages were served with unbroken cheap casings, which meant they had been cooked while being packaged.

Another photograph showed a pasta dish with reddish-pink items of bacon, indicating the flesh was undercooked.

This caused a backlash online regarding foods safety in school lunches.

The Special Education Bureau, under the direction of Acting Sub Lt Thanu, visited the school on September 25 for an initial evaluation of the situation, according to Acting Sub Lt Thanu.

The class was able to purchase both wrapped and opened sausages, according to the bureau.

A breakfast is shown featuring plain rice and deep-fried sausages still in their plastic casing. Watchdog Thailand Foundation

A breakfast program is shown that still has deep-fried sausages and ordinary rice in their plastic tubing. ( Photo: Watchdog Thailand Foundation )

The class director explained that because the food was prepared early in the morning, it was hard for the house staff to plainly see, leading to some sausages being cooked and served in their plastic putting.

Regarding the meat that was not cooked, the institution claimed there may have been some mistake in the way the food was prepared.

Acting Sub Lt Thanu stated that disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the appropriate rules and laws if the Obec finds the university innocent of neglect.

Samnan Meesiri, chairman of the NACC’s statewide office in Phetchaburi, said his company is working with the Special Education Bureau to investigate the case.

He claimed that the school’s internal problems may have caused the problems on social media.

The NACC has ordered the commission to examine the university’s budget allocation files.