Fugitive political activist turns up in New Zealand

Political activist Panupong "Mike Rayong" Jadnok, who is facing a lese majeste charge. (Photo: Pattarapong Chatpattarasill)
Social activist Panupong” Mike Rayong” Jadnok, who is facing a der guess fee. ( Photo: Pattarapong Chatpattarasill )

Social activist Panupong” Mike Rayong” Jadnok, who is facing a der majeste charge for defaming His Majesty the King final year, made an appearance in New Zealand on Thursday. He is expected to apply for social asylum and begin a fresh life.

&nbsp, Eakapop Luara, also known as Tang Achiwa, an ex-member of the red-shirt activity and a social refugee who formerly fled to New Zealand to avoid a Area 112 charge, posted a message on Facebook welcoming Panupong, who arrived in the country lately.

” Welcome to a new land, a land of freedom with a welfare state that supports every living”, said Eakapop. Enjoy the start of your new lifestyle.

The Criminal Court reportedly sentenced Panupong to four years in prison on May 8 for breaking the Computer Crimes Act and the Lese Majeste Law, but his sentence was reduced to three years because of his assistance during the witness investigation.

Panupong was found guilty last year of posting a message on Facebook on November 8. The court claimed that the information was against the king and His Majesty the King and against the computer law.

After failing to appear in court on March 28 to be sentenced, an arrest warrant was issued for him.

Thai Lawyers for Human Rights also revealed via X yesterday that” Tee,” a doctoral student at Naresuan University, was found guilty of disseminating books with statements about Section 112 situations on December 30, 2021.

The judge sentenced him to three years in prison for violating Area 112 by three information found in the books. However, because of his time and because the books were simply distributed to police officers, the sentence was shortened to two years.