Free Pap test for cervical cancer for women aged 25 to 69

Women between the ages of 25 and 69 who have engaged in sexual activity and who possess a current Blue or Orange Community Health Assist Scheme ( CHAS ) card are eligible for a free Pap test to early detect cervical cancer. &nbsp,

The free screening campaign, called# My1stPapTest, is jointly organised by 365 Cancer Prevention Society ( 365CPS) and Icon Cancer Centre. It is a new addition to the already-existing line-up of complimentary health and cancer examinations offered to Singaporeans with lower incomes.

This completely cervical cancer screening is available to women who have recently had a Pap smear.

The promotion runs through May 31 for qualified people until May 15. To enroll, they can attend the promotion page on the 365CPS site.

A pre-consultation session, a ThinPrep Pap Test, and a post-consultation session at the beneficiary’s recommended office, one of the six that are part of Advantage Medical Group or StarMed Specialist Centre, are included in the free offer. If her selected doctor is absent, she may be notified by 365CPS team. &nbsp,

The Pap test identifies pre-cancer tissues or changes in the womb that may be cervical cancer’s early warning signs. &nbsp,

The physician rinses the cells in a sachet filled with preserving option in the ThinPrep Pap Test rather than spreading them onto a glass slide. This technique made it possible to release nearly all of the cells into the water, ensuring that they were precisely captured for research.

Those who are found to be at risk of cervical cancer can remain at the same doctor for follow-up treatments or they can choose for subsidised medical by visiting a clinics with their test results.