Four British men freed after Afghanistan detention

Kevin Cornwall

Four American citizens have been released from confinement in Afghanistan, including a UN aid employee.

The release of the people, who were detained for reportedly breaking the nation’s laws, was welcomed and appreciated by the Foreign Office.

Online, Kevin Cornwell, a 54-year-old UN assistance worker, and Miles Routledge were listed as two of the group.

Two men had probably require medical attention, according to The Presidium Network, which has been supporting some of the team.

The UK government” regrets this episode ,” according to the Foreign Office.

It stated:” On behalf of families of American nationals, we express their regrets to the Afghan government’s current administration for any violations of the law.”

The people reportedly came to the nation for either personal or professional reasons.

The identities of those who were released, the specific reasons they were held, their locations, or their wellbeing were not disclosed by the Foreign Office.

Mr. Cornwell, a nurse from Middlesbrough who had been employed by UNHCR in Kabul when he was detained in January, was one of those freed, according to The Presidium Network, an organization that supports individuals in need in the UK.

Mr. Routledge, a previous Loughborough University undergraduate from Birmingham who is well-known for visiting harmful nations and posting about it on social media, is the second man it identified as being freed.

He was expelled from Afghanistan by American military troops in August 2021, the same month that the Taliban retook control of the nation. At the time, he claimed to be” tired but thrilled” and appreciative of those who had assisted in getting him out.

He claimed that his preference for” dark” and” extreme” tourism led him to travel to Afghanistan.

Miles Routledge gives a thumbs up signal while in Kabul

Miles Routledge / PA Media

Mr. Cornwell, his family, and a second unknown man are all being represented by the organization.

It stated that they have” started their journey back to the UK” and that efforts to bring them up together with their people have started.

The Presidium Network reported on X a week ago that Mr. Cornwell was still” really poor” and that the health of another Briton had even gotten worse.

Its co-founder, Scott Richards, told NBC News Mr Cornwell had contracted sepsis multiple times and the fear the two men may not come home was “very real”.

” Just knowing the men are on a plane home, we feel an indescribable sense of relief, as do the families ,” he said.

We are all extremely appreciative of the Foreign Office’s work as well, and we are happy that the Taliban have finally given these gentlemen their freedom and the reunion of their families.

It was assumed that Mr. Cornwell’s hold was related to a weapon that had been kept in his room safe.

The tool was being stored with a license from the Armenian interior ministry, Mr. Richards informed the BBC earlier this year, but the certificate was missing.

” Mr. Cornwell and the three other British nationals, including Miles Routledge, have been released and have left Afghanistan ,” Mr. Richards announced on X( previously Twitter ) on Tuesday. They are returning back!

” I want to express my gratitude to everyone for helping these people out during this trying time.” All of us are glad.

Before speaking with the media, their families” will probably need some time up, and two of the men will probably have medical assistance ,” he continued.

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