Former PM Najib not given house during incarceration, says Malaysia prisons department


Meanwhile, Utusan Malaysia reported on Thursday that Najib was placed in an isolation cell in Kajang Prison for his own safety as former prime minister.

The Malay daily quoted a prison source as saying that the isolation cells are equipped with the same facilities as special cells holding other prisoners who also require high-security care.

According to the source, although Najib has VIP status, he does not get special treatment. Instead, he is treated like any other prisoner subject to the regulations under the prisons act.

“As a former prominent leader of the country, security measures undoubtedly will be tightened to ensure he remains safe while in the care of the Prisons Department,” the source was quoted as saying by Utusan.

Utusan also reported that following the medical treatment Najib required last Sunday, he was later transferred from the isolation cell to the treatment ward in Kajang Prison.

Malaysian media reported that Najib was admitted to hospital last Sunday after experiencing some pain in his stomach.

On Monday, his daughter Nooraya Najwa posted a statement saying that her father had a  recurring issue with his stomach and is prone to ulcers that can flare up during stress or after an episode of gastritis.

According to Utusan’s source, the ward where Najib is housed is also separated from other prisoners for security reasons.

“The transfer from the cell to the treatment ward is done based on the health factor of a prisoner which depends on the medical officer’s report,” said the source.

On Najib’s daily routine as a prisoner, the source told Utusan that his routine is the same as the others. The only difference is that Najib is isolated from other prisoners while doing the same activities.