Former anti-graft official gets suspended jail term

Concealed assets included London property belonging to wife

Prayat Puangjumpa was fired from the NACC in August 2022 after being charged with asset concealment. (file photo).
Prayat Puangjumpa was fired from the NACC in August 2022 after being charged with asset concealment. (file photo).

A former deputy chief of the National Anti-Corruption Commission has been given a suspended sentence for concealing assets worth 227 million baht.

Prayat Puangjumpa was sentenced on Thursday to four months in jail and fined 10,000 baht, suspended for one year, by the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions. 

The court also banned him from holding a government position for five years.

Prosecutors told the court earlier that in the declaration he made when he assumed his position on Jan 4, 2017, Prayat had concealed six assets worth 227 million baht in total.

They included a residential unit in London and money in three overseas bank accounts, totalling 225 million baht, along with shares worth 2 million baht in a local company and 10,000 baht in a local bank account.

The court found that the concealed assets belonged the wife of the official, who was sacked as the deputy secretary-general of the NACC in Aug 2022.