Foreign Ministry denies Thai workers recruited by Israeli army

Two nationals are employed by the Israeli military.

Foreign Ministry denies Thai workers recruited by Israeli army
On October 22, more Thai personnel who had been evacuated from Israel arrived in Thailand. Varuth Hirunyatheb is shown in the pictures.

According to the Foreign Affairs Ministry, although there are dual-citizen Thai-Israelis operating in the Israeli military reserve, no Thai employees have been hired by the military.

Unsourced rumors that Thai personnel were being hired to battle for the Israeli army were spread on social media, which led to the ministry’s speech.

The government announced on Wednesday that 400–500 Thai women had wed Jewish men and had children with dual citizen in Thailand and Israel.

These dual citizens were reportedly members of the Israeli army supply, according to the Thai consulate in Tel Aviv. The Israeli army had not, however, hired any Thai workers, according to a government statement.

According to Israeli laws, both men and women must be drafted into the defense at the age of 18. The girls may serve for 24 weeks and the men for 32 months. They can then be called up for lively duty because they are still military reserve people, according to the government.

According to the statement, the Israeli Defense Force has enlisted more than 350,000 reserve soldiers, or roughly 4 % of its people, since the Hamas assault on Israel on October7.

Among those military reserve members were Thais with two membership. As claimed, there were no Thai soldiers in the Jewish troops.

People should n’t spread false information, according to the statement. Both in Thailand and abroad, it might lead to misunderstandings.